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Stackyard News Apr 05

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    Outdoor Pigs are Cross-Compliant

CONCERN over cross-compliance for outdoor pigs has been resolved with agreement across the industry.

An agreed statement has been issued by Defra, British Pig Executive (BPEX), National Pig Association (NPA), Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (CAAV), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and British Institute of Agricultural Consultants (BIAC) and the National Farmers Union (NFU).

The statement says properly managed outdoor units are compatible with cross-compliance. The agreement is the result of work across the industry addressing concerns about tenanted outdoor pig units on arable farms possibly not meeting cross-compliance requirements.

The industry intends to run workshops to bring people fully up to speed with soil management and Soil Management Plans together with PRIMO. BPEX Chief Executive Mick Sloyan said: "This has been a concern to the whole industry and a whole industry approach has resulted in a very satisfactory conclusion that will allow outdoor pig production to continue. "Everybody involved has worked extremely hard and the positive attitude played a major part in reaching agreement.

NPA Chairman Stewart Houston said: "We are pleased with this practical, common sense approach to the issue. We strongly recommend that outdoor pig producers draw up an SMP sooner rather than later. "They are to become compulsory in the near future but are straightforward to produce. They will help avoid pitfalls and demonstrate a professional approach to land management by pig producers."

BIAC Chief Executive Anthony Hyde said: "BIAC endorses the attitudes expressed in dealing with the perceived and actual concerns raised by all parties over soil management and the established practice of outdoor pig rearing. "This is a very important animal welfare-kind, environmentally friendly and agriculturally sustainable legitimate business and must not be discouraged."

Jeremy Moody, Secretary of the CAAV said: "Outdoor pig production is an important sector in its own right, a valuable part of the rotation and lettings form a useful source of income for some landowners. "These factors make Defra's confirmation of the cross-compliance position a welcome answer to the doubts that have led some not to let land to pig farmers. "With this support from Defra, farmers and owners should take advice and, with agreements that protect their interests, look on outdoor pigs as an enterprise that can provide value for both."

Peter Fane, Director-designate RICS Land Consultancy group, said: "This should enable pig farmers to confirm agreement with landowners about the terms on which land is occupied for pig farming. "The RICS will now be putting out clear guidance to its members who are advising many farmers and land managers about establishing and claiming support under Defra's "single payment scheme" over the next five weeks."

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