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Stackyard News Oct 05

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    Welcome for Early Beef Exports Consultation

FU Scotland has welcomed the decision by Defra and devolved administrations to issue a consultation on the resumption of beef exports earlier than planned. Last month, NFUS expressed concern that the normal process of government consultation could delay the removal of the UK beef export restrictions until March 2006.

Whilst the consultation will still last the standard 12 weeks, it has been issued much earlier than originally envisaged. Normal procedure would have dictated the release of a consultation after the Commission had proposed the unwinding of exports or once it had agreed to remove restrictions. Neither of these have yet happened and final Commission approval for the abolition of the Date Based Export Scheme wasn't expected until the end of the year. Whilst an accelerated consultation period was one option, the decision of government to launch the consultation this week is welcome. This allows the consultation process to be concluded before the end of the year. UK legislation can then be put in place in early 2006, fitting in with the timetable the industry is working to for the return of UK beef to the Continent.

The consultation deals with both live and carcase exports and the age at which beef can be sold on the bone.

NFUS Vice President David Mitchell said:

"I am relieved that government has found a solution to this issue and that common sense has won the day. It would have been nonsense to wait until the Commission gave the green light before issuing this consultation and I am extremely pleased the Executive pressed Defra for its early release.

"This is a pragmatic approach which reflects the urgency of removing beef export restrictions as soon as possible after the Over Thirty Month rule changes.

"The industry is gearing itself up for its return to Europe. The early release of this consultation should mean that by the time the European Commission is expected to agree to abolish the Date Based Export Scheme, we will have just about completed the necessary legislative process here."

T-Bone Steaks added to Potential Beef Export List

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National Farmers' Union
NFU Scotland