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Stackyard News Dec 2010

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Longtown Primestock Sale

The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 28 prime cattle, 5,232 prime lambs and 6,575 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Tuesday 28th December, 2010.

A small show of prime cattle forward was met by a fantastic trade with all classes in demand. Limousin heifers sold to a top of 189.5p from A. Irving, Toppin Castle purchased by Borders Meats, Lockerbie, others 187.5p, 183.5p from W. & W. Faulder, Houghton House; Charolais 180.5p, 170.5p Sceughdyke. Limousin bullocks to 178.5p from A. & W.J. Taylor & Son, Dashwellgreen, others 177.5p The Gill and Haining House, 175.5p Haining House, 173.5p, 172.5p, 170.5p, 169.5p Dashwellgreen, 169.5p Toppin Castle, 168.5p Slealands; British Blue 173.5p The Gill; Charolais 163.5p, 160.5p Sceughdyke.

Top price per head of £1,249 and £1,190 for Limousin bullocks from Dashwellgreen, others £1,180 Haining House, £1,173 Dashwellgreen, £1,167 Haining House, £1,162 Dashwell Green; British Blue £1,223 The Gill; Charolais £1,179 Sceughdyke, £1,151 Becton Hall. Limousin heifers to £1,070 Toppin Castle, £1,029, £1,012 Houghton House; Charolais £1,019 Sceughdyke.

Longtown Mart

A large show of 5,232 prime lambs was forward to a full ring of buyers, the sale average was 181p per kilo but the SQQ (32-45 kilos) averaged 186p per kilo. With half the sale being over 45 kilos the good quality export lambs were short of requirements.

Please remember we are back on Thursday next week!

The sale was topped at 240p per kilo for Beltex from Sorbie, with a top per head of £97.50 for Suffolks from Denton Mains and for Texels from Steel Farm, others Texels £96.20 Newbigging, £94.50 Steel; other Suffolk £92.50 Denton Mains, £91.80 Sykehead; Beltex £91.50 Naddle, £89.50 Summerhill, £88.80 Sorbie; Charollais £89.50 Yett, £88.50 Stackbraes, £85.80 Jacksonrigg; Greyface £85.50 Gilston, £82.80 Quarry House, £82.50 Tinnis Hall, £82.20 Haining House; Half Bred £84.50 Hyde Park, £76.80 Gilston; Cheviot £84.50 Culroy, £84.20 Gilston, £80.50 Westloch; Zwartbles £83.50 Summerhill, £79.80 Cardew Hall and Summerhill; Cheviot Mule £78.80 Derwent; Blackface £78.20 Sceughdyke, £77.80 Westloch, £75.50, £75.20 Bush of Ewes, £74.80 Wanwood Hill; Jacob £74.50 Summerhill; Swaledale £63.80 Coldshield, £60.50 Newbiggin.

The 815 lightweight lambs sold to a top of £69.50 for Beltex from Woodfoot; Texel £67.80 Cottage, £66.80 Wiston; Blackface £66.50 Uppercleuch, £63.80 Bennettsfield, £61.80 Bush of Ewes; Greyface £65 Haithwaite; Charollais £63.50 Newington; Suffolk £63 Bluebell; Hill Cheviot £61.20 Colte Coates, £59.80 Woodfoot; Swaledale £57.20 Naddle.

Also forward was a massive show of 6,575 cast ewes and rams were forward to a full ring of buyers with trade being similar on the week. Plainer, leaner ewes were short of requirement and over fat ewes still hard to cash. Top price of £127.50 for heavy Texel ewes from Rosehill, £122.50, £120.50 Severs, £118.50 Roadside, £117.50 Kirkton; Millenium Blue £122.50 Kirkton; Suffolk £112.50 Severs, £105.50 Allfornaught, £102.50 Haswell Moor Farm, £100.50 Severs; Charollais £112.50, £96.50 Severs, £88.50 Allfornaught; Beltex £110.50 Haswell Moor Farm, £106.50 Middle Farm, £100 Edendales; Half Bred £89.50 Bluebell; Leicester £89.50 High Edges Green, £88.50 Plenderleith, £85.50 Thorns; Zwartbles £88.50 Haswell Moor Farm; Greyface £85.50 Brownchesters, £84.50 Tonehall and Brownchesters, £83.50 Roadside; North Country Cheviot £84.50 Carpet Farm, £82.50 Whiteknowe and Kirkton; Cheviot Mule £83.50 High Stenries, £82.50 Borthaugh, £81.50 Allfornaught.

Hill ewes to £78.50 for Cheviots from Tarnside House, £75.50 High Stenries, £74.50 Bluebell; Blackface £72 Bluebell, £71.50 West Nubbock, £69.50 Bennettsfield; Swaledale £64.50 West Shipley, £63.50 Becklees, £58.50 Whitchester, £56.50 Farney Shield; Herdwick £49.50 Cottage Farm.

Rams to £118.50 for Texels from Severs, £108.50 Bluebell, £94.50 Middle Farm; Leicester £96.50 West Nubbock, £78.50 Farney Shield; Suffolk £96.50 Kilfillan; Beltex £89.50 Almagill; Charollais £88.50 Newbigging; Hill Cheviot £86.50 Falnash; Zwartbles £72.50 Kilncroft; Blackface £70.50 Newbigging; Swaledale £48.50 Newbiggin.


Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to -------p (-------p)
Heavy to 178.5p (167.9p)

Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 168.5p (167.8p)
Heavy to 189.5p (179.3p)

Young bulls -------p (-------p)

Light to 200.0p (175.2p)
Standard to 240.0p (188.3p)
Medium to 224.0p (186.9p)
Heavy to 200.0p (172.4p)
Overweight 175.0p (157.8p)

Light to £78.50 (£52.26)
Heavy to £127.50 (£76.66)

Cast Rams £118.50(£69.11)

link Longtown Primestock Sale - 21st December 2010
link Longtown Primestock Sale - 16th December 2010
link Longtown Primestock Sale - 9th December 2010

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