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Stackyard News Feb 05

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NFU response to NAO report on foot and mouth

The National Audit Office (NAO) report into the handling of the 2001 Foot and Mouth epidemic provides useful information on the handling of the crisis, according to the NFU.

In response to the report NFU President, Tim Bennett, said: "The key issue for everyone is that we do all that we can to prevent FMD, or any other highly infectious animal or plant disease from coming in to the country. We cannot afford to be complacent about this issue. Enormous progress has been made, and it is clear that the country is in a better position to handle a similar crisis today than it was in 2001. However, we still face very real threats from around the world.

"The NFU has maintained constant dialogue with Defra since 2001 with the aim of developing contingency plans for FMD and a better understanding of the various disease control strategies that could be used in a future outbreak. The NFU has also fully participated in national and regional FMD exercises with an aim to ensure that we do all that we can to prevent any future crisis.

"We are also in discussion with Defra on the subject of compensation. Our view is very clear: We need a system that recognises the intrinsic value of individual animals and we believe this is best managed by the retention of professional independent valuers."

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